Diabetes Feet AustraliaInline white

We've changed our name but our purpose remains the same!

hero feet blue
Diabetes Feet AustraliaInline white

We've changed our name but our purpose remains the same!

hero feet blue

Why the change?

In 2015, DFA was established as a key initiative of the Wound Management Innovation CRC to create a much-needed national diabetes-related foot disease body for Australia. With the vision to end avoidable amputations within a generation, we set out to empower Australia to become a leading nation in diabetes-related foot disease management, optimise evidence-based clinical care, and stimulate national clinical research.

After a few exciting years of growth, in 2018 we became a division of the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) and further established ourselves as the peak national clinical and research body for diabetes-related foot health and disease. As our organisation has grown, our vision and objectives have remained consistent. But we also recognised the need to evolve our branding to better reflect who we are now, and what we represent as an organisation into the future.

So…we’re excited to share with you the new Diabetes Feet Australia (DFA) branding.

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The new name

So why did we evolve our name from Diabetic Foot Australia to Diabetes Feet Australia?

That's a good question and one we spent a great deal of time and effort working on in 2020. As an organisation, we recognise that words matter, so our first aim was to introduce inclusive language. Who we are and what we do also extends further than the name of the disease, so our goal was to encompass both diabetes-related foot disease and feet health in our new branding.

The new logo

Since joining the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) as a division, our goal has been to align DFA with the ADS branding guide, whilst still retaining DFA’s most recognisable logo icons. Using the ADS colour palette and focusing on the acronym we are best known by, our new logo conveys our past achievements, and our current and future goals as a division of the Australian Diabetes Society.

Diabetes Feet AustraliaInline Full Colour
DFA Brand Story V2.0
Diabetes Feet AustraliaInline white

Ending avoidable amputations within a generation