


Here at DFA, we develop a range of documentation and infographics focused on the impact of diabetes-related foot disease in Australia. While we encourage the sharing of DFA materials across the web and social media, please do not upload any DFA materials directly to another website, or alter these items, without DFA permission. By instead directing all downloads to our webpages, we can ensure the latest versions are available at all times.

Daily Foot care Checklist

Foot care is vital for people with diabetes. If you suffer from a loss of sensation in your feet (numbness), the need for vigilance is increased as foot ‘insensitivity’ is associated with an increased risk of developing a foot ulcer.  Fortunately, many foot problems are actually preventable and with the correct treatment and recommended lifestyle changes, many people with diabetes are able to prevent foot ulcers and their more serious complications, such as amputation.

Tackling the National Burden

The “Australian diabetes-related foot disease strategy 2018-2022” is the first step towards ending avoidable generations within a generation. This strategy was written by Diabetes Feet Australia with input from various national and state peak bodies, interdisciplinary foot disease services and individual experts from the Australian diabetes-related foot disease community.

It identifies nine key goals and related areas for action and measures of progress that, if implemented, should put Australia firmly on a pathway towards ending avoidable amputations within a generation. Enacting this strategy aims to ensure that all people with diabetes-related foot disease have access to and receive safe quality evidence-based care when and where they need it, and that they can be assured that future investments in research and development will continue to strive to improve their care delivery and health outcomes over time.