Outstanding achievement in diabetes-related foot health and disease award

Diabetes Feet Australia is proud to announce and open nominations for the first ‘Outstanding achievement in diabetes-related foot health and disease’ award, which will be presented at the upcoming DFA 2023 Conference.

This biennial award recognises an individual:

who has made significant, fundamental contributions to diabetes-related foot health and disease (whether in research, clinical practice, advocacy and/or leadership)
the impact of these contributions to the sector
demonstrated an outstanding contribution to diabetes-related foot health and disease
holds the respect of professional peers in the DFD clinical and/or research community.
Nominations are now open and close on 28th August, with the Award Winner announced and presented with the award on Monday 09th October during the DFA Conference.

DOWNLOAD FLYER: https://www.diabetesfeetaustralia.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/DFA-2023-Outstanding-Contribution-Award-Flyer.pdf
DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORM: https://www.diabetesfeetaustralia.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/DFA23-Outstanding-Award-Form-2407.pdf