Integrative review: Patient safety among older people with diabetes in home care services

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Authors: Haltbakk J, Graue M, Harris J, Kirkevold M, Dunning T, Sigurdardottir AK

Publication: Journal of advanced nursing

Year: 2019



To identify diabetes specific patient safety domains that need to be addressed to improve home care of older people; to assess research from primary studies to review evidence on patient safety in home care services for older people with diabetes.


An integrative review.


Domains for patient safety in diabetes home care settings were identified by conducting two searches. We performed searches in: CINAHL, Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Library for the years 2000-2017.


The first search identified frameworks or models on patient safety in home care services published up to October 2017. The second search identified primary studies about older people with diabetes in the home care setting published between 2000-2017.


Data from the 21 articles populated and refined 13 predetermined domains of patient safety in diabetes home care. These were used to explore how the domains interact to either increase or reduce risk. The domains constitute a model of associations between aspects of diabetes home care and adverse events. The results highlight a knowledge gap in safety for older persons with diabetes, influenced by e.g. hypoglycaemia, falls, pain, foot ulcers, cognitive impairment, depression, and polypharmacy. Moreover, providers’ inadequate diabetes-specific knowledge and assessment skills contribute to the risk of adverse events.


Older persons with diabetes in home care are at risk of adverse events due to their reduced ability to self-manage their condition, adverse medication effects, the family’s ability to take responsibility or home care service’s suboptimal approaches to diabetes care.

  • Listing ID: 6654
  • Author/s: Haltbakk J, Graue M, Harris J, Kirkevold M, Dunning T, Sigurdardottir AK
  • Publication: Journal of advanced nursing
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 75
  • Issue: 11
  • Start Page: 2449
  • Article Keywords: diabetes; home care services; nursing; older people; primary care; safety