Self-reported physical activity in community-dwelling adults with diabetes and its association with diabetes complications

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Authors: Johnson NA, Barwick AL, Searle A, Spink MJ, Twigg SM, Chuter VH

Publication: Journal of diabetes and its complications

Year: 2019


To describe the physical activity levels of an Australian community-based adult population with diabetes, and investigate the interaction between diabetes complications and physical activity.


Anthropometric, demographic, biochemical and self-reported physical activity measures (IPAQ) were performed. Associations and multiple regression analyses were undertaken between physical activity, known risk factors for diabetes complications, and history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), neuropathy and foot ulceration obtained from medical records.


240 participants were recruited (96% type 2 diabetes; age 68.7 ± 10.5 y; 58% men; diabetes duration 14.3 ± 11.4 y). Sixty seven percent of participants reported undertaking moderate or vigorous intensity exercise to recommended levels, and 29% reported no moderate-vigorous exercise. In addition to being associated with known demographic and biochemical risk factors and other complications, diabetes complications were also associated with different physical activity behaviours. Individuals with a history of CVD were more likely to participate in moderate-vigorous exercise and meet exercise guidelines, individuals with neuropathy undertook less walking and moderate intensity exercise, and those with a history of foot ulceration sat more and participated less in vigorous exercise.


In Australian adults, the presence of diabetes complications may influence physical activity participation, and associate with characteristic physical activity approaches.

  • Listing ID: 6644
  • Author/s: Johnson NA, Barwick AL, Searle A, Spink MJ, Twigg SM, Chuter VH
  • Publication: Journal of diabetes and its complications
  • Year: 2019
  • Volume: 33
  • Issue: 1
  • Start Page: 33
  • Article Keywords: Cardiovascular disease; Exercise; IPAQ; Microvascular; Neuropathy