Special diabetic foot disease issue in DMRR Journal
Every four years, a special issue on diabetic foot disease is published in the high ranking peer-reviewed journal Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews (DMRR).
This special issue follows the International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot (ISDF) and the presentation of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) evidence-based global consensus guidance. Just like the previous issues, the January 2016 issue is again an overwhelming set of articles from the world’s foremost diabetic foot experts.
The first set of 14 articles concern the 2015 IWGDF Guidance on the prevention and management of foot problems in diabetes. DFA will deal with these publications, in comparison to the current Australian guidelines, in our next newsletter. Subscribe here to our newsletter.
The second set is the proceedings of ISDF 2015: 23 articles written by the keynote speakers of the “Olympics of the diabetic foot” (as prof. William Jeffcoate has described the ISDF). In these proceedings, authors have the chance to not only focus on the evidence, but also provide us with a glance of some their more controversial thoughts. As such, this special issue is a great overview that provokes our thinking on diabetic foot disease.
To help you select from this impressive bundle of information, we will guide you through these proceedings by topic in the coming weeks. Keep an eye out on our twitter account and the latest research page of the DFA website.