What's New in DFU event: Melbourne

what'snew melbourne 2016

Featuring Dr Sicco Bus and Dr Jaap van Netten, Diabetes Feet Australia invites you to this exclusive event to hear ‘What’s new in diabetic foot ulcers (DFU)’ from the world’s best in diabetic foot disease research, clinical treatment and technology.

Located in the heart of Melbourne’s creative and innovative hub; Story Hall offers the perfect backdrop to update you on the latest cutting edge research, treatments, technologies and practice in diabetic foot disease. With thanks to Acelity, you will enjoy canapes, drinks and the opportunity to network with international and national leaders from Diabetes Feet Australia. Our internationally acclaimed expert speakers include Dr Jaap van Netten and Dr Sicco Bus from the Netherlands.

We are also pleased to announce that they are now joined by Dr Breda Cullen from the UK!

Additional speakers will be announced soon!

This event is open to all health professionals and researchers who treat or have an active interest in diabetic foot disease.

Tickets can be purchased individually or in bulk.


Platinum Sponsor: Acelity


Gold Sponsor: Hartmann